Tuesday, May 6, 2014

24 weeks.

Making progress in this pregnancy. Baby k still doesn't officially have a name but getting closer to narrowing it down. Derek has gotten past the stages of "cinnamon or Jessie." Thank goodness! I on the other hand have been coming up with lots of possibilities. Getting the baby nursery together. Which I haven't made much progress but got lots of ideas. Got a paint theme picked out now just gotta find a weekend to tackle! Bedding will be order this week and hopefully ill narrow down the furniture soon. 
In the meantime our little miss is just getting bigger weighing in around 1.5 lbs. last dr apt went well. She's really active especially after I've workout and at night when I'm laying around resting.  It's such a magical feeling feeling her wiggle around inside there. A few days ago I believe I felt her flip or turn and get stuck. It nearly freaked me out to feel and see one side of my belly sticking out and the other side just normal. It's happened a few times so I guess she's just getting busy in there. I'm enjoying it though finally talked Derek into feeling her move. He felt a little baby kick. I'm sure bigger ones will come soon. I broke down and bought a Boppy body pillow. Makes life more comfortable during sleep. Oh yeah and how could I forget we registered! Yes babies r us. Wowzo! I knew I wasn't looking forward to that for a reason. So overwhelming. I'm still narrowing things down and figuring out what brands and products I need and don't need. But almost there. In one month I'll be traveling home for my baby shower. Man am I so excited! Not sure if I'm more excited for the shower or seeing my family and friends! Well this momma is a little tired so I'm heading off to bed. Goodnight all! 