I was lying in bed catching up on some much needed sleep, thinking today is my due date but I don't feel any different today than any other day. My house is cleaned, my fridge is stocked, I'm now on maternity leave but today cant be the day. Little did I know a few short hours later I would be in labor. As I'm lying in bed I was starting to get cramps... like period cramps... really strong ones not like I've really experienced before... these must be contractions I should probably time the next set. Then all of the sudden, 11:50pm I felt an urge and felt as if I went pee all over myself. What is this? Ahh! I dashed to the bathroom slamming doors, Derek jumped out of bed and dashed in assuring I was ok, as I began to cry I said, "I think my water just broke!" I then ran downstairs to my birthing book flipped open the proper page and read my signs and symptom's and sure enough my water had broke as another stream trickled down my leg....
Then I started to think what did Dr. Song tell me what do I do?!? Call the hospital and let them know I would be on my way. then she said prelabor at home as long as possible.... bathe, hangout you know don't rush, it will be a slow process as its your first child. So I called the hospital and they told me to come in soon. I still didn't feel like anything changed I mean I wasn't even having contractions anymore.... should I sleep some more? I'm really tired? So I called my sister, Alicia who is an RN and asked if I could nap she told me I need to get going if I wanted to walk around outside as this is my first child and its going to be awhile before I have her. So what did I do? Took a stroll around the block as Derek was ready to get going to the hospital, then I showered as he packed the car.. yes packed.. he wasn't too happy with all 5 bags I had packed to tote with us.... I had a birthing plan and it required lots of items I just knew I would need!
Now off to Good Samaritan Hospital, as we got closer my contractions got more severe and I was happy we were in route as at times it was hard to talk. I text our family letting them know we were in route to meet our little Miss! Gina and Preston my mother and father in law met us at the hospital, just as anxious as we were. Upon arrival they said, "there you are we were getting worried about you not making it here" Instantly the escorted me to the labor and delivery floor where I was checked and dilated to a 3. They transferred me to the birthing suite where I met my adorably sweet, angel, couldn't live without nurse, Jessica! If you cant tell I loved her! She got me all prepared for what was about to happen. As my contractions began to get a lot stronger my body started to shake I was scared as to how this was all going to work out. (and remember thinking all those bags full of birthing items, plans and snacks were in the car. I wasn't about to let Derek leave my side to go get them) Then Jessica says what's the plan? We began to talk about the epidural and at that point knowing it could take about an hour to feel the effects of it I knew I couldn't continue like this with no med cause this pain was uncontrollable. the shaking, the contractions, my mind. I needed meds! The anesthesiologist came in and did an awesome job at taking all the pains away I felt such a sense of relief. As I layed in the bed on the "peanut" aka long yoga ball to get little baby k to flip as she was sunny side up I was able to truly take in the moment and relax. The nurse asked us to rest as we are going to need it. Gina and Preston reassured us we needed that as well and they were going to leave and come back while we slept a bit. At this point it as 4am I was now dilated to a 5 and life felt good I couldn't feel much of anything. As I started to dozed off into sleep the contractions came back, they assured me when this happened to press the little button for more epidural and call the nurse I did just that. The nurse came in and I had told her I was in quite a bit of pain again so she gave me another dosage of epidural and decided now would be a good time to check me again this was at 4:45am upon checking me...
I was a 10! It was game time! Ready to push I remember this plain as day I responded, "Are you sure?!?" and the pushing began, the contractions got stronger, the pain was more severe. We continued to press for more epidural but to me nothing was helping as im pushing will all my might, focusing on breathing techniques, my little princess is coming, my husband is amazing, my crossfit techniques to focus on a deep push (yeah sounds crazy but those were the best pushes) I felt like such a baby as I have never felt this before but all for a good reason. I even thought gosh I'm not sure how anyone gives natural birth no way I could ever do that! this pain hurts! I will say the doctor on call who delivered wasn't the most positive nicest dr around I wanted to shout bad things to her but didn't. As we got closer to the end I began to tear pretty bad so the end was a slower process then out came our little bundle of joy!
Now for the stitching! Each stitch I could feel, it hurt I hated it, seemed like it took forever but finally it was over. I was crying in so much pain, crying cause a child has been born and im now a mom! As they placed her in my arms my heart, my life and my love had changed forever! This is my little girl and im her mommy!
After all the clean up was done and the nurse was unhooking my IV we realized my epidural had came unhooked from my IV bag therefore I didn't receive any meds.:( I remembered when I first pressed for more epidural it had dropped from my bedside but how it had been tied got caught so prevented it from falling on the floor but I do believe this is when the tension in the cord pulled it out and came unhooked as after the anesthesiologist had left was the only time I really felt relief. So you can say I gave close to natural child birth without knowing it till the end. which explains why it was so painful .
After all that's over, all that pain, all those thoughts, in the end its worth every single bit of it as I have the most beautiful perfect baby I could ask for! God has truly blessed us!
Welcome little miss Kinlee Brynn Kingsbury August 25,2014 @ 6:18 am weighing 8lbs 13 oz 20 inches long.