Coming soon.....
I'm excited to announce to you all what's on my agenda for my next big adventure as we travel to the mid west.
We all know I've always had a little bit of a crafty sparkle and since having kinlee that sparkle keeps stiking me with things to make. With the help of Derek's great grandmother, June passing down her very modern high tech as I might add sewing machine I thought I might as well put it to good use. Along with my crafting for cricut projects. So as I began teaching myself to sew and making things here and there for kinlee. As it was soon brought to my attention from a few friends and my amazing husband that I should open a store and sell these items. So I thought long and hard while cursing a few words at my sewing machine..... that this sounds fun!
So now I'm onto my projects of profecting my items in preparation of my Etsy store, Modern Sparkle boutique.
As I wanted to open it ASAP and begin shipping out items I've thought to myself let's be realistic. I am moving across the US in just a few short months. (As if life isn't hectic enough) Shortly all my household goods will be gone and it will be nearly impossible to keep all my new customers happy with speedy services. So I've decided to hold off on the opening of the store until we get to Kansas in our house and we will have a huge launch party to kick it off. So in the meantime I will continue to profect my skills, get my lines straighter, my tools in check, learn this machine a little more and offer you my friend rates that will be much lower than my Etsy store as I'm profecting each item. The items I will be selling at this point are baby girl turbans, headwraps and a few headbands. Bib bandanas (drool bibs appropriate for boys and girls) and little boy bow ties that clip to a onsie or button down shirt your choice of attachment.
Be on the lookout for a new post in a day or so where you can place an order with me if you see something that catches your eye.... Or you have an interest in supporting me. Can't wait for all your feedback.
A little sneak peek....