Thursday, November 27, 2014

Creamed style corn

I know I need to get back on a clean eating track but using thanksgiving as my final splurge. (Or convincing myself of that) dec 1 I'm back to the gym and for me the two to hard and hand. This creamed corn is so delish I had to share! 
Homemade cream style corn 
16 oz frozen sweet corn, thawed 
8 oz cream cheese 
1/4 stick of butter 
1/4 c shipping cream 
1 tbsp sugar 
Salt and pepper to taste 
4 pieces of bacon, cooked and crumbled. 
Place all ingredients minus corn and bacon in sauce pan melt. Add corn and bacon stir well. (Sometimes I add a bit more corn so it's not as creamy) 

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

A little Georgia peach.

Kinlee and I had an amazing time visiting auntie Alicia and uncle Malcolm  in Georgia. It was both of our first experiences visiting Georgia and it was a beautiful visit. The weather was great one day it made it up to 78 and SUNNY!! I learned real quick my Washington baby hates the sun. Not even just the sun but the brightness.

 We enjoyed auntie and uncle time. It was good to finally get to see their beautiful home that Alicia has decorated oh so cute. (Yes she takes after me with style..... Not to be conceited or to brag) the puppies were amazing they absolutely loved baby k! 

We shared some much needed sister time with late night girl talks and lots of laughter. Alicia was finally able to get her hair done (yes she only gets it cut or new color when we visit each other) with that being said we cut off around 10 inches back into a cute long balayage bob. Such a change! We shopped our hearts out especially in the baby departments. Experienced lots of blowout diapers. 

We laughted until we cried. 
We snuggled baby Kinlee till she fell asleep or got bored. 

We cooked our first thanksgiving dinner together (a bit early but we can't be together on the actual day) we made Cajun turkey breast, sweet potato casserole topped with pecan strussel...Life changing! Creamed corn with bacon crumbles, green bean casserole, salad, rolls and apple bread topped with salted caramel drizzle.... So delicious! We played board games and reminised old times around the coffee table until our eye lids could no longer stay open. 

Kinlee got lots of cuddles from auntie and uncle. She enjoyed many evenings in the arms of uncle Malcolm watching whatever he wanted on tv cause anything on tv is amazing. She got lots of kisses and snuggles from him too. To see how in love he is with my little girl just totally melted my heart. We were so thankful to spend this time with uncle! 

Nothing to me is better than spending time with my family. The ones I love the most. I sometimes take these things for granted at how amazing our relationships are. Each time I visit with Alicia I realize more and more how we are just exactly alike in many ways and  how she truly is my best friend. She is the one I can talk to about anything in the world and it doesn't even matter. She is more than a sister now, she is more than a best friend to me. She is an aunt to my daughter and soon to be her best friend as well. The connection in the eyes of my baby as she goo goo'ed will only begin to grow stronger as the years pass by. I am very thankful I was able to take this trip and spend time wth Alicia Malcolm and Malcolm's little brother. We truly had an amazing time and are so sad to be headed back to the west. Maybe someday the army will station us at the same location. Now that would be a dream come true for all of us! 

Seatac- altanta

The day has finally arrived for Kinlee and I to head out to Georgia to visit my sister, Alicia and Malcolm. At 12 weeks old this momma is anxious to get there and leading up to flying I have been a nervous wreck. Thus far the experience has gone a little smoother than I had anticipated thank goodness! 
Upon traveling at the airport at an early 7am (we are NOT morning people) traffic was pretty heavy my nerves were twitching it seemed as if it was the longest drive to the airport. Derek was a little on edge as well. Arriving at seatac we found parking right away... Thankfully! (That never happens) I had prechecked in and prepaid for my check bag. In which I would highly recommend cause we didn't have to stand in that terrible long line. We zipped right in to the kiosks to print off the tags. One of the many of my amazing clients had told me Derek could get a security pass and walk to my gate with me. And let me just say that was the most amazing thing ever! Thank you Alaska. Air! Having him push the stroller while I toted Kinlee in the baby ergo made it much easier. She was amused by all the people and lights. (Yes she's taking after her momma and loves watching people) Derek was able to grab me a coffee and a fast food sandwich for a little bit of energy while Kinlee was being nursed (this wasn't my plan but does anything go as planned?!?!?) It was feeding time and I wasn't going to stretch it just so she can feed on the way up because this fussy baby won't eat when she's mad. By the time she had finished nursing it was time for us to preboard. The moment I was so nervous about. Down the runway we go a stroller, a carrier and baby in ergo and a diaper bag on my back. I "gracefully" placed our carrier in a big orange bag and the stroller next. (We all know how ruff they are in luggage I wanted to protect our nice britax with bagging) that was a lot harder than I thought. But finally I go them placed in the bag after smooshing my latte that I so needed prior to this flight.... Can you say caffeine addict? Finally made it on as I could feel myself to begin to sweat. I found our seat and got situated. Bottle out, burp cloth in hand, Aden swaddle blankets, pacifier in, water..... Ok breathe.... 
Kinlee was amused at all the people as our plane began to get full and my anxiety level began to rise for take off I remembered crap!!! I forgot to warm the bottle!!! Oh how breastfeeding is SO much easier than bottles. But bottles at times can be more convenient. After all she did just nurse but I'm worried about her ears and then I realize I need to chill and stop worrying.  I said a little prayer and put that pacifier in. I do believe this will be my sucking saving grace to happiness. I met the two amazing ladies in my row. (I believe they were angles) so helpful! One with anxiety level just as high as mine so we chatted until we were coasting above the clouds. At this point Kinlee was sound asleep and sucking away on her paci. Thank you lord for answering my prayers I felt his present as all my worries melted away. Hours into the flight my baby has slept this whole time as I sit here and make this blog post the longer I become a mom and the more that I am challenged to make decisions I have realized staying calm makes the biggest difference in the world. After all why did I even bring a bottle? 

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Pricelist 2014-2015

Pricelist valid only with Jessica Kingsbury

Cancellation Policy

New cancellation Policy

:: Effective Oct, 22,2014::

I hope this new policy doesn't seem to unfair to any of you as its something I must enforce for all of us. Your beauty needs, my beauty needs for those who have a hard time getting in and for my new baby girl who loves spending time with her momma.
With this, being understanding with all of our needs.  My policy gives you the leeway to miss one scheduled appointment without notification.
Second missed appointment you will be charged a service charge of half your scheduled appointment (ex: your schedule for a haircut at $38 you then will owe $19) This service charge must be paid in full in order for your next appointment to be schedule.  A 24 hour cancellation notice is required for all services.
Third missed appointment results in termination as my client.  As a reminder we do offer to send out a text message and/or email reminder two days prior to your appointment to help prevent from no-show appointments.  Be sure your profile is up to date at the front desk. 
Once again, thanks for understand, continuing to support me and being fab.ul.ISH everyday!

Wednesday, September 24, 2014


The moment my heart changed forever. 

I was lying in bed catching up on some much needed sleep, thinking today is my due date but I don't feel any different today than any other day. My house is cleaned, my fridge is stocked, I'm now on maternity leave but today cant be the day.  Little did I know a few short hours later I would be in labor.  As I'm lying in bed I was starting to get cramps... like period cramps... really strong ones not like I've really experienced before... these must be contractions I should probably time the next set.  Then all of the sudden, 11:50pm  I felt an urge and felt as if I went pee all over myself. What is this? Ahh! I dashed to the bathroom slamming doors, Derek jumped out of bed and dashed in assuring I was ok, as I began to cry I said, "I think my water just broke!" I then ran downstairs to my birthing book flipped open the proper page and read my signs and symptom's and sure enough my water had broke as another stream trickled down my leg....
Then I started to think what did Dr. Song tell me what do I do?!? Call the hospital and let them know I would be on my way.  then she said prelabor at home as long as possible.... bathe, hangout you know don't rush, it will be a slow process as its your first child.  So I called the hospital and they told me to come in soon. I still didn't feel like anything changed I mean I wasn't even having contractions anymore.... should I sleep some more? I'm really tired? So I called my sister, Alicia who is an RN and asked if I could nap she told me I need to get going if I wanted to walk around outside as this is my first child and its going to be awhile before I have her. So what did I do?  Took a stroll around the block as Derek was ready to get going to the hospital, then I showered as he packed the car.. yes packed.. he wasn't too happy with all 5 bags I had packed to tote with us.... I had a birthing plan and it required lots of items I just knew I would need!
Now off to Good Samaritan Hospital, as we got closer my contractions got more severe and I was happy we were in route as at times it was hard to talk. I text our family letting them know we were in route to meet our little Miss! Gina and Preston my mother and father in law met us at the hospital, just as anxious as we were.  Upon arrival they said, "there you are we were getting worried about you not making it here" Instantly the escorted me to the labor and delivery floor where I was checked and dilated to a 3.   They transferred me to the birthing suite where I met my adorably sweet, angel, couldn't live without nurse, Jessica! If you cant tell I loved her! She got me all prepared for what was about to happen.   As my contractions began to get a lot stronger my body started to shake I was scared as to how this was all going to work out. (and remember thinking all those bags full of birthing items, plans and snacks were in the car.  I wasn't about to let Derek leave my side to go get them) Then Jessica says what's the plan?  We began to talk about the epidural and at that point knowing it could take about an hour to feel the effects of it I knew I couldn't continue like this with no med cause this pain was uncontrollable. the shaking, the contractions, my mind. I needed meds! The anesthesiologist came in and did an awesome job at taking all the pains away I felt such a sense of relief.  As I layed in the bed on the "peanut" aka long yoga ball to get little baby k to flip as she was sunny side up I was able to truly take in the moment and relax.  The nurse asked us to rest as we are going to need it. Gina and Preston reassured us we needed that as well and they were going to leave and come back while we slept a bit.  At this point it as 4am I was now dilated to a 5 and life felt good I couldn't feel much of anything. As I started to dozed off into sleep the contractions came back, they assured me when this happened to press the little button for more epidural and call the nurse I did just that.  The nurse came in and I had told her I was in quite a bit of pain again so she gave me another dosage of epidural and decided now would be a good time to check me again this was at 4:45am upon checking me...
I was a 10! It was game time! Ready to push I remember this plain as day I responded, "Are you sure?!?" and the pushing began, the contractions got stronger, the pain was more severe. We continued to press for more epidural but to me nothing was helping as im pushing will all my might, focusing on breathing techniques, my little princess is coming, my husband is amazing, my crossfit techniques to focus on a deep push (yeah sounds crazy but those were the best pushes) I felt like such a baby as I have never felt this before but all for a good reason. I even thought gosh I'm not sure how anyone gives natural birth no way I could ever do that! this pain hurts! I will say the doctor on call who delivered wasn't the most positive nicest dr around I wanted to shout bad things to her but didn't. As we got closer to the end I began to tear pretty bad so the end was a slower process then out came our little bundle of joy!
Now for the stitching! Each stitch I could feel, it hurt I hated it, seemed like it took forever but finally it was over. I was crying in so much pain, crying cause a child has been born and im now a mom! As they placed her in my arms my heart, my life and my love had changed forever! This is my little girl and im her mommy!
After all the clean up was done and the nurse was unhooking my IV we realized my epidural had came unhooked from my IV bag therefore I didn't receive any meds.:( I remembered when I first pressed for more epidural it had dropped from my bedside but how it had been tied got caught so prevented it from falling on the floor but I do believe this is when the tension in the cord pulled it out and came unhooked as after the anesthesiologist had left was the only time I really felt relief.  So you can say I gave close to natural child birth without knowing it till the end. which explains why it was so painful .
After all that's over, all that pain, all those thoughts, in the end its worth every single bit of it as I have the most beautiful perfect baby I could ask for! God has truly blessed us!
Welcome little miss Kinlee Brynn Kingsbury August 25,2014 @ 6:18 am weighing 8lbs 13 oz 20 inches long.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014


::Baby Kingsbury's Nursery::
As so many of you have been patiently waiting, we finally got the final touches of Baby Kingsbury's room completed. So time to share away! Hope you enjoy it as much as we do!
Now we need this little lady to make her arrival.

I think this little princess has enough shoes and hair bows to last us awhile. :)
Lots of homemade items surround this little princess's room. Wanted to share with you a few of my Do it yourself Projects.

Purchased this beauty for $75 off of Craigslist. Found the perfect chalk paint and painted away! No sanding, no prepping just paint and dry.  Applied two coats. Then added a clear wax with a tad bit of dark wax to add some interest.  Cleaned previous hardware and reattached.  Finding the perfect color was a bit of a challenge but thankfully I discovered  Persnicketys in Sumner, Wa where they carried American Paint Co. Chalk Paint in Coral Reef. Just Perfect!

The Process. I did sand the top a tad as it had a few soda rings on the top and I didn't want those to show thru.

Finding the perfect side table for my rocker was a challenge. One day while shopping at my favorite store, Hobby Lobby I found this beauty on the clearance isle all bruised up. Turned out perfect with a little chalk paint and roughing of the edges.

A Pinterest Find! take a Large oatmeal container. Add some Cardstock (you can do any color or design) I chose A paper bag design. Then I added burlap to the top using a hot glue gun to adhere the burlap to the edges. Glad I went with the burlap as it helps the headbands stay in place. I picked up this candle holder on the clearance isle at Wal-Mart so it coast a total of $4! Love it!

Needed a vase for at first I thought some twigs but that was a bit much with the rest of the items on the dresser and then I remembered I needed something for cotton balls and swabs so this cute mason jar worked perfectly! Added a little lace hot glue, and then a burlap flower from michaels (in the scrapbook dept) a little twine and done!


Hope you enjoy!

Special Credits:
Handmade quilt by my Grandma Forrest.
Headband Fame and Mobil above crib: All my girlfriends who attended my
Springfield Baby Shower.
Some of the headbands: My girlfriends who attended my shower in Dixon.
Headband Holder: Made by myself.
Beauty Flag: Made by myself
Confetti Wall: Hand painted by myself with the help of my mother in law, Gina's cricket machine.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Adventures on Shaw Island

::36 weeks::
Shaw Island, WA
Family Getaway
 Derek and I recently enjoyed a long weekend with the family at Shaw Island, the small San Juan Island. Very small, quaint little island with only a general store the size of my bedroom which thankfully included a good coffee and ice cream stand.  With that being said we made frequent visits there.   We enjoyed spending quality time with our family. Chatting, going to the beach, attempting to build sand castles, playing with our neice and nephew, enjoyed Friday Harbor, was transported to both islands via ferry. We survived in a cabin out in the middle of the island full of shade with the pleasure of an outdoor shower and out house as the restroom.  Being nine months pregnant made life a little more difficult but I had a fabulous time and would love to go back and explore when my body isn't producing a baby. Had to share these fun photos with you all.
Playing bubles with Kayla 

 Hanging out around the fire cooking s'mores.

 Ferry to Friday Harbor

 Amazing Solo drink straight from Australia thanks to my brother in law for sharing.
The Beckers

Kayla teaching Uncle Derek how to play princesses.


Tuesday, August 12, 2014

::Maternity photo shoot| 37 weeks::

//Maternity Photos::37 weeks\\
   August 3, 2014
   Steilacom, Washington

Today my girlfriend delivered to me the photos from our amazing maternity shoot last weekend at Steilacom Park in Lakewood, WA.  It was a beautiful sunny day, actually pretty warm but it was just perfect. I didn't go into this photo shoot expecting anything but maybe one photo of my belly and a nice picture of Derek and I.  Quite honestly I didn't really even want to do that but knew I would regret it if I didn't.  Little did I know it would turn into some of the most amazing pictures I have during this pregnancy.  Sydne went above and beyond with so many cute ideas on how to capture us. (with the assistance of her little girl Holland too)  There are so many I want to share with you but don't want to overwhelm you! So I wanted so share a few here with you. Enjoy!
Next time you need individual, family or a special occasion photographer be sure and contact Sydne Roth Photography

Sydne, holland the amazing assistant and myself. 
DuPont, Wa