Tuesday, April 29, 2014

The journey of pregnancy

I confess. I confess. I have had a major addiction to candy this pregnancy. And honestly there hasn't been much I could do about it. It drives me crazy I hate it but stil place it in my mouth. I've been known to throw a whole bowl full away. Yes you heard that like 3 bags of candy. Out of a site out of mind. It worked for a day or so then I needed gas so I bought more and then my mother in law bought me a Easter basket full. So of course I ate all of it. She must know my favorites cause it was Devine! So now that I'm pretty much candy free. Aka I threw it all away again today. I got this brilliant idea for replacing  my candy with power protein balls I use to make all the time. But haven't made them in forever. Yep they are pretty much life changing and healthy so hopefully this is my new replacement. And I must share with you the recipe. Enjoy! 

Peanut butter protein balls. 
1 c oats 
1/4 c protein powder (I used chocolate peanut butter) 
1/8 c shredded coconut flakes 
1/4 c creamy peanut butter 
1/4 c honey 
Mix dry ingredients together then mix in wet I stir with my hands and then roll into balls. Place in fridge for about 30 mins and nomnomnom! 

One more tip during the growth of baby k:
While I was out visiting Rachelle in Colorado we headed out for a shopping day for baby k. While browsing thru one of the baby boutiques I came across this stretch mark/ belly oil salve something about it and the feeling of it I loved but it was 4 oz and I was flying with my carry on and didn't want it tossed. So when arriving back home to Washington, I got on amazon and found this magical jewel. With fabulous reviews I decided to order and it has been the best product I've found for belly stretching/ itching/ discomfort. Since using this I have had none of the above. Rarely do I used my Burt's bees stretch mark cream besides fresh out of the shower. I layer this on all times of day and my skin looks flawlessly amazing. Just hoping it stays that way. I just had to share as I have so much "Motherlove" for this product. And it does go a long way. So when you know someone in need of stretch mark cream. This is the magical product for you! 

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