Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Gender Reveal Party

The anticipation of this day was out the roof.. The day I thought was never going to come and it was finally here the evening of our gender reveal party. 

It all started....

When Derek and I first found out we were expecting the first thing that popped into my mind was, we live here near his family and what better time than to have a gender reveal party and find out as a family what we will be having.  I ran the idea across Derek that I thought it would be fun to not find out at the Doctor appointment and to find out a few days later with the rest of the family and group of friends. Derek thought this was a very stupid idea but I gave him no other choice but to participate and that he would not be finding out at the appointment.

The Ultrasound:: Tuesday, March 8,2014:: Northwest Imaging

I had envisioned in my mind the fairytale ultrasound the story that I hear from most, my ultrasound tech was amazing super exciting full of energy and so happy for us. Detailed and precise on revealing the gender to you. Ours didn't turn out the way I had envisioned but that is quite alright our tech was older possibly needing to retire in the near future maybe we were even taking up part of her lunch break or maybe she was just hungry and I would say a little cranky.  She revealed all the body parts thankfully cause neither of could vision what these parts were. the veins, the bladder, the arteries, the list goes on and on and boy is that a list for them to go thru. I had asked her in the beginning to not reveal what the gender may be and thankfully she didn't. Her way about telling us she had found out the gender had us wondering if she really knew what she was talking about but a few questions and I felt like she knew what we were having. While still keeping it a secret.  All in all it was probably a good thing that she wasn't this chipper exciting tech because honestly it probably would've been easier for me to just found out then. We left the office knowing in this envelope was the reveal of our gender but keeping it sealed was hard but I had my heart set.


Preparation for the party.

Thankfully one of the stylist at our salon,  Tamera was nice enough to volunteer her time to fill our cupcakes with the icing color of the gender and promised to not say a peep. (I must say when I delivered her the envelope she was quite shocked it was still sealed) So Tuesday evening Derek and I prepared 40 Betty Crocker Vanilla cupcakes then delivered to the salon on Wednesday. Filled that afternoon and I brought them back home for the party the next day. Tamera sure did an amazing job at making sure there was no evidence of color. They looked beautiful but man was it hard for me to not peek in to one once Derek was off to work Thursday morning. 


Prior to the party at our first initial appointment when we found out we were expecting we had our first ultrasound to see the tiny baby swimming around in there. Dr. Song told Derek and I if she had make the decision she would be almost positive it was a boy. I was so excited came home talked to my wonderful friends and goggled online like crazy about ultrasounds at such a early point in determining the sex.  It came to me that at that point it was still unclear and too early to determine. Well that's all Derek needed to hear was BOY and he was convinced, me on the other hand at first I kinda though boy but then just really felt it was a girl. That's all I could think was we were having a girl. It was fun hearing all my clients and coworkers, friends and family make there guesses but deep down for some reason my heart said girl. So much that the week before I had to convince myself it may be a boy. and I was ok with that, my only wish is healthy and happy gender didn't matter. well the reveal party is here.


Party.. 3..2....1....

We got the webcam all set up for my closest friends back home and family members to have a conference call to find out what this little baby k is.  Everyone was excited and arrived at the party sporting what their guess for gender would be BLUE or PINK. the anticipation was out the roof and honestly I didn't think the time was ever going to arrive. We had a slight delay and during this time I thought I was going to go crazy. Everyone gathered around grabbed their cupcakes and 3...2...1.... its A GIRL!!! 

Pink filled cupcakes flooded my house we were all super excited Derek was a little shocked but was so so happy. Finally the day was here and now we are happy to announce we cant wait for this little girl to get here... LET THE SHOPPING BEGIN!!!


  1. She is going to be one of the luckiest girls I know! !! So enjoyed being a part of your part...even from 1,000 miles away! Xoxox

  2. Love this blog Jess! Super cute pictures....you are going to be a great mom!!
